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4 In Memories/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Raising boys

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was approaching and as a mom of busy little boys, I was wishing for three things:

  1. A clean house,
  2. A little pampering,
  3. A good night’s sleep.

I planned in advance so that Mother’s Day would be the best ever:

  1. I scheduled someone to clean my house a couple days before Mother’s Day.
  2. I invited a couple friends to meet me at the nail salon to get our nails done.
  3. A good night’s sleep was very unlikely, but a girl can hope and dream, right? (pun intended)

Little did I know that it would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Mother’s Day/week.


Thursday morning a cleaning lady was to arrive at my house at nine am. I LOVED the idea of having a clean house for Mother’s Day weekend. I’d be able to play with my kids while someone else cleaned the toilets – YAY! What a gift.

The morning came and went, and no one showed up. I called and they had forgotten to add me to the schedule. No one would be coming.

I wasn’t going to have a clean house for Mother’s Day.

That’s okay…at least I’d get some time that night with some girlfriends and get my nails done!

Ted would take care of the boys after a busy day at work. He would put them to bed so I could have the evening with my girlfriends.

Well, traffic was really bad that night, and Ted got home late. The minute he walked in, I passed him the baby, and headed out the door.

I rushed into the nail salon and found my friends already getting their nails done. I sat in an open chair next to them.

“I’m sorry ma’am,” the manager said, “we are closing in 15 minutes and aren’t doing any more nails tonight.”

My heart sank. No pretty nails for Mother’s Day.

I chatted with my friends while they finished getting their nails done, and we walked out together as the salon closed. We weren’t done talking, and it was cold and raining outside, so I suggested we sit in my car to carry on our conversation. We chatted for another hour and then I tried to start my car – it was completely dead.

Unfortunately, none of us had jumper cables and we could not call our husbands to help. They were all home with sleeping children.

We looked around for a kind person who may happen to still be out on this cold, dark, wet night. We spotted one person. I asked him for help and miraculously (like an angel!?), he came over with jumper cables, started my car, and we all made it home safely.

Friday morning I got up early. I had a Mother’s Day Tea to attend and wanted to have time to take a shower and put on nice clothes. I got myself ready, then got each of the boys ready. As I was putting our baby into his carseat to leave… he spit up all over me. All through my hair, down my shirt, my skirt, and onto my shoes.

I frantically searched my closet to find another outfit to wear, quickly wiped the spit up out of my hair, and raced into my first Mother’s Day Tea … just in time.

Around 3 AM on Mother’s Day morning, I woke up to the sound of Clark crying. I went in to check on him. He had thrown up – all over himself, his pajamas, and his bed.

This wasn’t the Mother’s Day morning or good night’s rest I had hoped and wished for.

In fact, I decided it was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mother’s Day … week!

I lifted Clark out of the messy bed, gave him a warm bath, and put him in clean pajamas. I changed his sheets, tucked him back into bed, said a prayer, and rubbed his back until I thought he was asleep.

I crept out of Clark’s room, thinking about how tired I was, and that I’d probably only get another hour or two of sleep before the baby woke me up, when I heard the sweetest words:

‘Happy mudder’s day, mama.”

In spite of Clark being sick and tired, he somehow remembered that it was Mother’s Day.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that my FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS had blinded me to my FIRST WORLD BLESSINGS!

In spite of how bad things are going, we can find something to be grateful in every situation.

  1. My house may be messy, but it’s warm and it’s ours.
  2. My nails might not be painted, but my hands are strong enough to hold and care for my children.
  3. My car might have died, but I have a car to take my kids where we need and want to go.
  4. My kids are healthy. When they spit up/throw up – I have extra clothes and sheets – and a washing machine and dryer to clean the laundry.
  5. I have a husband who cares for me and our boys so that I can get away to be with girlfriends.
  6. I have friends that sit and chat with me. Then they stayed with me, in the cold rain, until my car got started again! And bonus – they are friends who encourage me to be a better wife and mom. (PRICELESS!)
  7. And the biggest blessing of the week…I GET to celebrate Mother’s Day because I have children!

Now that I look back on all my Mother’s Days…this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Mother’s Day, was actually my favorite one. It allowed me put things in perspective and see the gifts and blessings I so easily take for granted.

When I began focus on my blessings, I realized that this was a …

WONDERFUL, fantastic, so good, very blessed Mother’s Day!


Don’t let 1st world problems make you forget your 1st world BLESSINGS!

And by the way, while I tried to plan the perfect Mother’s Day week – Ted planned a really sweet Mother’s Day.

He got me flowers. He had the boys color me pictures. He picked up some delicious food so I didn’t have to cook. He told me to get away for a few hours to read and relax.

While I was gone, not only did he take good care of the boys – the house was clean when I got home!!

It really was a WONDERFUL, fantastic, so good, very blessed Mother’s Day!



What about you? What gift might you be taking for granted? Do you have a favorite Mother’s Day memory? Leave a comment.

Please consider subscribing.

Thanks for reading! You may be interested in this related post: Finding Joy in the Motherhood in the Mess

0 In 2021/ Guest Post/ Motherhood

What do teens and trees have in common?

Today I have an amazing guest post from my friend, Robin Blonsky. Robin and I have been friends for over 20 years. Recently, we sat down and chatted over coffee. I had tears in my eyes as I listened to her share so vulnerably about what she’s learning about being a mother to teenagers. I asked her to write something for me to share with you … and I am HONORED that she said yes.

Craig and Robin Blonsky – Craig was a best man in our wedding and my husband was a best man in their wedding.

Here’s Robin’s powerful story:

Spring was beginning to bloom in Oklahoma and I couldn’t remember when I had anticipated a season more. I was looking forward to seeing the first leaves emerge on the new Tupelo tree in my front yard.

Inside of my home however, my relationship with my 16-year-old daughter Grace, was growing dormant.

Grace and I had been misfiring in our communication for well over a week. I could tell that our relationship was off and it seemed that she knew it too. However, coming off of a difficult few weeks myself, I honestly felt that I had no energy to deal with whatever was going on with her. We continued to drift apart with more misunderstandings and frustration.

Sure, I prayed over the situation, and over our family as I usually do, and then I did what any responsible mom would do…I tried to wait her out. After a few more days, I went to bed angry one night after being fed up with it all. I truly had no interest in initiating a ceasefire, but, I knew I needed to put my big girl panties on and be the parent in this situation. So, I started turning the situation over to God little by little as I drifted off to sleep, inviting His wisdom and timing into the equation. 

I didn’t sleep well that night, but the next morning I woke up with a calm knowing that I needed to talk with Grace, starting with an apology for my part in being intense and nit-picky. She was stuck and I needed to help her get unstuck. And I needed to err on the side of mercyYay.

After I spent my quiet time with God, that’s when I had peaceful confirmation. In my devotions, I came across a passage that talked about how when children are the most unlovable and exasperating, that is often when they need love the most. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me, and then went on with my day.

When children are the most unloveable, that is often when they need the most love.

While I was out running errands, I picked up a special decorated cookie for daughter from a beloved bakery in town. My husband and I have been making more effort to celebrate any wins in our family with small rewards. The treat was for going on her first job interview recently.

The day flew by and before I knew it, my girls were home from school. I let them get settled and then approached Grace. She was parked at the kitchen table, working on her laptop. Her demeanor was frosty, and the leave me alone signal was strong. I approached her anyway and began the conversation in a relaxed manner. She shared about how her frustrations with me had accumulated into a big ball. I offered my apologies for being intense and critical when all I really wanted to do was connect.

As the frost began to melt, the cookie appeared along with a cold glass of milk. I started to speak life over her as the words tumbled out from my heart. How much I loved her, believed in her, was proud of her for facing her fears, how incredible she is as a person, and that I see her as a capable young woman. As we continued talking, she became pleasant again. As soon as we finished the conversation, we both moved on.

Friends, I certainly miss it some days, just as any of us do, but here’s one thing I am learning as I walk with God. When I bring my struggles to Him and seek His wisdom, He always meets me where I am at. If I will wait for His grace to act, His timing is just right on when, and how, I am to respond.

Just days later, I noticed that the leaves of my new tree are now appearing for the very first time! They only come out of their protective buds after testing the air to make sure the frost is gone.  Just as my tree responds to climate conditions, so do our children as we set and protect the atmosphere of our homes with warmth and love.

Just as my tree responds to climate conditions, so do our children as we set and protect the atmosphere of our homes with warmth and love.

Robin Blonsky
0 In 2020/ Faith/ Finding our place/ Inspiration/ Marriage/ Motherhood

Focus less on ‘WHAT’ and more on ‘HOW’

Most of the time when we think about our lives we think…

“WHAT does God want me to do with my life?”  


“WHAT should I do for work?”   


“WHAT are my talents?”


“What am I doing with my life?”

We usually think in terms of “What.”


However, SCRIPTURE suggests to us that the HOW is more important than the WHAT.

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

In other words…

God’s will is more about “HOW” we live than exactly WHAT it is we do.

What if we found out God’s big plan for our lives is that we wouldn’t spend so much time trying to figure out a big plan for our lives? Perhaps He just wants us to love Him and each other.

Bob Goff

This thought should recalibrate how you approach your day.  

“HOW” you work has an impact on your:

  • attitude,
  • work ethic,
  • integrity,
  • reactions.

HOW you go about your day and HOW you do your work is MORE important than the specific job you are doing.

Maybe we will never get to what we are hoping for, until we learn how to have the right attitude about where we are right now.

Why would God get you to the where…if HOW isn’t working for you?

What if HOW you get your work done and HOW you interact with others were the most important things?  

The HOW is critical in your marriage and parenting.

What if WHO you are married to is not as important as HOW you are married to that person?  

Maybe if WHAT your kids are doing is less important than HOW you are responding to them.

You can love them well.  You can serve them well.

Sometimes when we are not doing WHAT we want to be doing, we aren’t paying attention to HOW we are doing it. But, the HOW is more important than the WHAT.

I had a job I loved before becoming a mother. When my 3rd child was born, I became a full-time homemaker. I  was no longer recognized or rewarded for the work I was doing. My kids never said “Good job mom! Thanks for waking up so early. Thanks for always doing the dishes, washing our clothes, playing with us, changing our diapers, making all that food and cleaning up our messes.” In spite of this, I asked God for strength and JOY in what I was doing. I wanted to enjoy my kids and my role in motherhood. I wanted to savor these years and keep a grateful heart and a good attitude. I knew God saw me.

I did wonder if I’d even have any marketable skills after taking care of babies for so long. And guess what, when I went back to work, I found that I hadn’t lost the skills I had before parenting. In fact, I was probably more efficient and a little more effective.

Wherever you are…whatever you are doing…approach it with gratitude and the right attitude.

Perhaps you are a full-time mom, wishing you could escape that roll some days. God has you there, ask Him for strength and allow Him to use you.

Perhaps you are a full-time employee, wishing you could quit. God has you there, ask Him for strength and allow Him to use you.


You may not be doing WHAT you want to do. But you still need to think about HOW you are approaching what you do.

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

I Peter 3:8

Let’s look at this verse:

For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

Maybe the questions we need to ask ourselves are:

  • HOW am I working well in my job? 
  • HOW am I living well in my neighborhood?  
  • HOW am I loving well in my marriage?
  • How am I modeling well in my motherhood?

Maybe for you, a simple exercise is writing down areas that you can improve, with God’s help:

  • Talk to your spouse about “how” to love or serve him better…
  • Get feedback from your neighbors, co-workers, or boss on “how” you can be of support to them…
  • Have your kids write down 3 or 4 things that you can do to help your relationship with them (reading a story, putting away your phone so you can stay engaged, listening better when they are talking about their day, or investing in areas that you see they are gifted in)

Looking at “how” you are living a significant life is a great exercise in self-reflection.  

Remember, life is less about WHAT we are doing than HOW we are doing it!

This post was adapted from a sermon my husband gave many years ago when he was a teaching pastor. Thanks for reading!

0 In 2021/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations

One simple way to keep our children healthy

Today’s guest post was written by my friend Mary Nolan. Mary is a West Point Graduate. After college, she defended our country in the Army and even earned a Bronze Star Medal for her heroism while serving oversees. She is now a mom to three and also earning her doctorate in Chinese Medicine.

Mary, take it away…

It was well after dark one night recently as I stood washing the last of the dinner dishes in our finally peaceful home, staring out the window, thinking “Children’s health … yeah, that shouldn’t be too tough!” Ohhh, the logic of a hopefully optimistic, definitely sleep-deprived parent.

I’d say it’s a broad topic, one wrought with a myriad of medical literature, clinical data, cultural influence, and a few emotion-based opinions. 

  • The vaccination debate? Yep – that’s part of it.
  • Increasing rates of type II diabetes in children? That’s one for Ted Talks. 
  • The merits of good, old-fashioned exercise on the playground? Ok, a bit more palatable for the casual reader. 

So, true to the tactics of a mother desperately trying to channel three young children out of the house, I silenced my swarming inner dialogue with a much simpler choice – tea or wine?

Wine won. I sat down with that glass of wine and asked – what is one of the most ardent actions I incorporate daily towards my children’s own health?

Hand washing

I came up with hand washing

Wait – don’t stop reading yet.

Call it the prior U.S. Army Preventive Medicine Officer in me, or just the wisdom (i.e. mental scarring) of parenthood post-family-sick-day, but there is a tendency to overlook simple solutions to many seemingly complex problems. 

Hand washing is perhaps the most basic, repeatable public health measure with the greatest impact on community (let alone children’s) health. 

Aside from the obvious benefits of reducing exposure to harmful bacteria, hand washing is a perfect example of positive deviance – the idea of building up capabilities people already have rather than introducing something new that requires additional resources. In the case of hand washing, it’s something we can do, often and well, to systematically knock down the plethora of microorganisms that our little ones tend to encounter and then propagate through the family.

Why is hand washing so important? If you’re anything like me, you can almost see (…even feel) little microorganisms colonizing public railings, commercial floors (heck, our own floors!), door handles, restaurant high chairs, toilets (and anything within 3 meters of them …), and nearly anything your child reaches down to grab and says “Look!!” Well many of those microorganisms find their way not only onto your children’s ever-curious, sensory driven hands, but then into their eyes, nose, and most cringe-worthy, their mouths. Hand washing with soap and water can cut that cycle of germ-spreading not just from the source to your child, but from them to their dear siblings, friends, classmates, and YOU. Sure anti-microbial soaps have us all concerned about TOO much protection from bacteria and not enough exercise for our immune systems, but that’s where I say send the kids outside and let them bask in the glory of natural flora. The suns UV rays denature most of what will harm them out there anyway. It’s what tends to lurk indoors and on people and surfaces that leads to those loathsome family sick days.

So what would you say is the best way to implement hand washing into the daily routine? Well, back to those years when I was a Preventive Medicine Officer in the Army, getting thousands of gritty, mission-focused Soldiers to adopt something so mundane meant making it their ticket to the good stuff: 

  • Want to get into the mess hall for chow? Wash your hands. 
  • Want to go back to your unit and hit the rack? Wash your hands. 
  • Want your mail and packages? Wash your hands.

Basically, hand washing stations became checkpoints for all major actions throughout the day, and were especially inevitable around food. 

I like to say: “If you think about washing your hands, it’s time to do it.” 

“If you think about washing your hands, it’s time to do it.” 

That little mantra alone, coupled with the prevalent visual reminders, worked wonders to turn awareness into action.

Now apply all that to the typical child – it may take strapping a mobile sink to them as a front pack to achieve that level of consistency. But luckily, you can employ measures like washing hands every time you come home, or better, every time you leave a public place.

If your children are anything like mine, their hands and mouths make contact no less than 180 times per minute, and we want to minimize how much is transferred between the two in a BIG way – especially in the COVID season! 

Make hand washing the first step of setting the table or a prerequisite to opening the fridge for a snack. Spice up the soaps you keep at each sink in your home – my son has been asking to wash his hands since I put an exfoliating soap in the guest bathroom (4 year old boys love some sand)!

So hand washing – a simple tool in your tool box for bolstering children’s health. But you don’t have to take it from me. The Centers for Disease Control sums it with facts like these:


  • Reduces the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 31% 
  • Reduces respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by 16-21% 
  • Handwashing with soap could protect about 1 out of every 3 young children who get sick with diarrhea and almost 1 out of 5 young children with respiratory infections like pneumonia
  • Handwashing education and access to soap in schools can help improve attendance
  • Good handwashing early in life may help improve child development in some settings

Handwashing may help improve child development?? Well, sign me up!! I’ll bring the soap! 

Hand washing

I loved this article written by my friend Mary and hope you did too. It’s a simple and practical way to stay healthy during this crazy season of our lives.

If you are running low on hand soap, may I suggest you add some to your Amazon cart:

Excuse me while I go wash my hands…

0 In 2021/ Food/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Guest Post: Budget-Friendly Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Make Healthy Choices

According to the American Heart Association, one in three children in the United States is overweight or obese. Children will carry the eating habits they learn at a young age into their adult years, so it’s important to equip them with the ability to make healthy food choices. What’s more, it’s important to teach your child to make healthy choices in all aspects of their lives, from safety to fitness. Here are some budget-minded strategies that work.

Be a Good Role Model

Parenting, as you well know, means shifting priorities in order to meet the needs of your young loved ones. This may mean fitness goals, education pursuits, career choices, even healthy sleeping habits all get “back burnered” — gladly and without hesitation — in order to make room for children and their needs. But if you find yourself now getting better sleep and with some time on your hands (within reason), then it may be time to pursue that online business degree you’ve always wanted to get back to. It’s never too late to recommit to a goal, especially with flexible schedules and deadlines. It’s one way to model the behavior you expect from your children — making learning a priority throughout life. Plus, it has the potential to help you along in your career pursuits.

Keep Healthy Snacks in the House

You don’t want to deprive your children or yourself of delicious food. However, having a constant store of unhealthy food on tap creates a habitual pattern of eating. Some kids will go looking for it, some will pester you for it, but all will be expecting chocolate, chips, or sugary drinks at some point. Leave these as occasional treats, and when you do choose to
enjoy them, buy only what you’ll be eating that day. Don’t buy multipacks or two-for-one offers, and throw out whatever’s left over at the end of the day. Besides, you might be surprised at how tasty — and affordable — a healthy snack can be.

Fruits and nuts, for instance, can be easy on both your wallet and your waistline. And to give your child a sense of ownership over their snacks, allow them to use things like toaster ovens and microwaves to prepare their snacks — with supervision, of course. (Click here for more healthy snack ideas)

Teach Your Kids the Importance of Physical Fitness

It’s often a lot easier to have the kids lose themselves in online activities and video games instead of encouraging them to go outside and get some exercise. However, maintaining a healthy weight involves staying fit, and that means stepping away from technology and finding ways to get moving. For example, if your child likes to play basketball video games, encourage them to take up the sport in real life. And if you need gear, look around online to see where you can pick up used sporting goods.

With a little exploring, you can find places to pick up store returns for a song, or websites like eBay offer both new and used equipment at affordable prices.

Discuss Safety When Home Alone

Are your kids old enough to leave at home while you pop out to the store for something? If so, then you need to discuss the importance of not answering the door when a stranger comes calling. Thankfully, technology allows us to see who’s at our door without setting foot outside.

Most modern-day security systems — even budget-friendly models — allow us to use cameras inside doorbells to safely see who’s on the other side. Discuss the dangers of answering the door for strangers with your children, and teach them how to properly use your home security system for those times when you’re away.

Your Overall Strategy

This is not the time for a firm hand because using pressure and coercion can actually have the opposite effect on eating habits and fitness. Your goal is to encourage your children to make healthy choices, using positive reinforcement, shared experiences, and role modeling.

It will take some time, but eventually, this creates a pattern of behavior that persists even when you’re not there to enforce it. As long as you take your time, plan ahead, and keep a cool head, you can instill healthy habits in your children that will last for a lifetime.

Thank you Amanda Henderson for writing this helpful parenting post today! Find more at

2 In 2020/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

I was drowning in distance learning… and then I found a life vest

I’m a full-time mom with a teaching degree. When COVID-19 forced my four sons to do full-time home school (aka: distance learning), I thought: ‘No Problem, I can handle this!’


It was so …very … hard!

Our first week of full-time distance learning was a train wreck. 

If you would have peeked into our home, you would have (unfortunately) seen:

  • Yelling, 
  • fighting, 
  • frustration, 
  • anxiety, 
  • confusion, 
  • crying, and
  • an iPad being thrown to the ground by an overwhelmed child and hitting another child who was seated on the ground.   

By the end of the week I was so exhausted I thought I had the Coronavirus! I went to bed with a pounding head and an aching body.



EVERYTHING had to change.  

CHANGE had to start with ME.

My husband reminded me that STRESS is often due to not feeling like we have control and/or navigating a lot of change. Yep. That described us! He went on to share what we DO have control over is our: attitude, outlook, and the the actions we take.

I took the weekend to rest, reflect, and re-assess. I needed a higher perspective on home schooling my children.  I had to remember that CHANGE is hard. Navigating this brand NEW learning environment and having to immediately perform was causing us to all feel stressed.

I am a person who loves to get things DONE. I like efficiency, and I enjoy checking off boxes. My preferences were NOT aligning with home schooling, and children are not efficient.  

My GOAL to KEEP UP! and GET IT DONE! was wrecking our relationships. Very little actual learning occurred and we were all unhappy.

When the goal is to “Get it DONE” there isn’t time to absorb, discuss, reflect and learn. 

Here were my new goals and actions:

1. Distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable.

I can’t control the fact that we are in a new learning situation, I CAN control how I act, as well as my level of preparation and time management.

2. I will prioritize my relationships with my kids over the assignments. 

I will pause and think before I react to something my kids say or do.

3. Apologize.

I told my children I was sorry for being upset, frenzied, and impatient.

4. Realize we are all learning something new!

Remind the kids we are ALL new to this, and we were going to work on being patient and kind to each other. We would give each other grace.

5. Familiarize myself with their technology, passwords, and schedules.

6. Get more organized and prepared.

We kept their school stuff in one area.

7. Communicate with the teachers.  

Remember the son who was so overwhelmed he threw his iPad? I told the teacher that our goal is no longer going to be to get everything done. We were going to slow down so he had time to absorb the information, reflect, and learn. She was okay with the fact that he may not get every assignment done.

8. Get more sleep.

The kids will be in bed before 9 and will wake up by 8 AM.

9. Come prepared and ready to work by 9 AM.

iPads are charged, everyone is fed, pencils are sharpened, and we’ve looked over the plan for the day.

10. Re-prioritize:

  • Focus 100% on their learning from morning until lunch. I will try not to get distracted by housework or my phone.
  • Switch my desire from ‘checking all the boxes’ to slowing down and really learning.
  • Choose quantity over quantity.
  • Less focus on grades, stronger focus on growing.


These 2 things helped: 

1. Prayer and Scripture

I ask God for help ALL DAY LONG reading my Bible fills my spirit and renews my strength.

2. Getting input from others:

  • Discussing better practices with my husband
  • Asking others what their best practices were and what was working for them (NOTE: talk to people who are more effective or more experienced)
  • Reading books or listening to podcasts that re-focus my attention to the big picture. 

Teaching from Rest” is an excellent book that walks you through how to teach with peace rather than frenzy! The author asks the question: If you knew your child was guaranteed to get into Harvard, but your relationship would be wrecked in the process, would you agree to that?

Are the days EASY now? NO!

It’s still a day-by-day, hour-by-hour challenge. 

Do I feel more peaceful and prepared? Yes! 

I’ve learned that most change can be bad in the beginning, messy in the middle, and extraordinary in the end.


A few SMALL changes made a BIG impact!

How about you? What are you learning? How are you staying sane? What’s helped you? Leave a comment and thanks for reading!

3 In 2020/ Christmas/ DIY/ Making money/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Recipe

Simple Salt Dough Snowman Ornaments: DIY Christmas Gifts

Here’s a fun and simple activity to do with your kids: Salt dough ornaments.

My boys aren’t always into crafty things – but when they heard their cousins made and SOLD some of their ornaments, my boys were all in! They always love a way to earn money – right now they are saving up to buy a DOG! (This was their idea, not mine)


The salt dough recipe is simple:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 cup of water
  • Mix with a wisk, and then your hands.
  • Flour a surface, then roll out the dough until it’s about a quarter inch thick
  • Cut into shapes
  • Use a drinking straw to poke a hole at the top of the ornament for the string to go through

To make the Snowman Ornament:

  • Use a cup to make circles
  • Take a little piece of the dough and form it into the shape of a carrot
  • Press the nose on top of the circle
  • Press divots in the dough for the eyes and mouth. I used the bottom of a paint brush.
  • Bake at 175 degrees for 3 hours.
  • Let them sit for 1 hour.
  • Paint with acrylic paint or water colors.
  • Seal with Modge Podge.
  • Tie a string through the hole.
  • Hang on your tree, gift wrap, or sell.

The boys put their earnings in this jar and tied one of their dog bone salt dough ornaments around it!

Click here for another DIY one-of-kind Christmas ornament

Click here to read all about the dog they got for Christmas and they used their earnings to buy him toys!



Thanks for reading! Enjoy your holiday!

4 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Things to do in Minnesota

Spend a fun-filled day with kids in Jordan, Minnesota (just outside the Twin Cities)

I love exploring the unique places that each state has to offer. Recently, we had an amazing time in Duluth. I’ve also written about the great things to do in Lakeville. Of course, nearly everyone knows about Mall of America. However, one place I’d never heard of until I moved to Minnesota, was the quaint town of Jordan. Jordan is only about 30 minutes west of the Twin Cities.

I’d heard there was a giant candy store in this town, but did some research to see what else there was to do. I was surprised to find some really unique things for families.

Start your day with a visit to the American Ninja Warrior Grassman Park.

Address: 1132 Stonebridge Path, Jordan, MN 55352

It’s a FREE and FANTASTIC place to go and get some FUN exercise.

There are two obstacle courses – one for younger children, and another for older children. There are timers on both courses. Your kids can push the button to start a timer, run the course, and push another button to end the timer. Children and adults of all ages can have fun (and burn lots of energy) at this park!

Next, stop by Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store!

Address: 20430 Johnson Memorial Drive, Jordan, MN 55352

Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store has so much more than candy. You will also find fresh pie, savory snacks, bottles of pop, and puzzles. It’s sensory overload, but absolutely worth a visit.

You may want to set the expectation for your kids (and maybe yourself) about what they can spend BEFORE you enter the store. The candy is on the pricey side. It’s easy to drop LOTS of money here!! I told my boys they could spend $5 each – so they had to get creative and pool their money to get the candy they wanted.

BRING CASH or a checkbook! They do not accept credit cards.


After having fun at the candy store, burn some of that sugar high off at the nearby Lagoon Park.

Address: 300 Park Dr. Jordan, MN 55352

This park has shaded picnic tables, a playground, a splash pad and even a beach. Across the street is a beautiful waterfall. The best part – it’s all free!

We brought and ate a picnic lunch, then played at the fantastic park for the rest of the afternoon.

Lagoon Park

If you are considering a visit to Jordan, here is what I’d recommend you bring:

  • Cash for the candy store
  • Water shoes, a towel, and a swimsuit for Lagoon Park
  • A picnic lunch
  • Sunblock or bug spray
  • Beach toys (optional)

Is there another unique town in Minnesota that we should visit? Leave me a comment!

Here’s a video of Clark (age 10) trying the American Ninja Warrior Course:

Here’s a video of my 6 year old trying the course:

Here’s a peek into another awesome thing to do in the Twin Cities – The Como Zoo!

Here’s a peek into our day at the Mill City Museum.

Here’s my Minnesota Bucket List.

Here’s a peek into the multi-million dollar Minneapolis Mansion!

Here’s a peek inside the magnificent Minnesota Arboretum!

3 In 2020/ Family/ Food/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Review/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

A Perfect Weekend in Duluth

It was Ted’s Birthday weekend and we wanted to get out of the Twin Cities and do something fun. A visit to Duluth had been on our Minnesota Bucket List for two years – so we booked a place to stay and invited some friends to join us for the weekend up north. (Bonus, our friends used to LIVE THERE – so they knew all the best spots to visit!!)

We arrived in Duluth on Friday around noon and started the weekend in Canal Park. We walked through a few of the quaint shops and got to the end to see the massive lift bridge. Every 30 minutes, the bridge lifts to let boats come into the Harbour from Lake Superior. You can click here to find the ship schedule.

We ate lunch at Grandma’s Restaurant because:

  1. People recommended it and
  2. It’s next to the lift bridge
Notes on Grandma's Restaurant: I didn't love the indoor 'vibe' of this restaurant, but getting a seat by a window or on the upstairs patio makes it nice! The food was pretty good, but not amazing. The reason to go here - LOCATION! I'd only go back if I had an outdoor table that overlooks the bridge. 
Lunch at Grandma’s Restaurant

After lunch we ordered ice cream to share from an old caboose that is now an ice cream shop.

Then we walked to the lighthouse at the end of the loooong pier. My boys were amazed that Superior is really a lake and not an ocean.

We walked back to our hotel to check in, then watched the trucks and tractors working behind the hotel – setting huge boulders in place and creating a large walkway along the lake. Each semi could only hold three boulders. After we watched them work for awhile, we drove to Park Point Beach, which is about an eight minute drive from Canal Park. The drive takes you across the lift bridge – which was fun, and the drive to the beach is nice because you get to enjoy viewing a wide range of homes along the lakefront.

When we arrived at Park Point Beach, we stood to observe the powerful lake and unique beach – full of soft sand and huge, heavy logs that had washed onto the shore. The lake is always VERY cold and since it was late in the day, we weren’t planning to swim. However, the chilly air, the cold water, and lack of swimsuits, did not stop the kids. They were playing in the waves within minutes of our arrival.

After time at Park Point, we went back to the hotel to dry off and change, then walked to dinner at Canal Street Brewery. The restaurant has a great vibe, and huge windows overlooking the lake. Ted ordered a salmon salad and I had a grilled chicken sandwich with brie and asparagus. The boys ate burgers. We all enjoyed our meals and would definitely go back.

After dinner, we let the kids swim in the hotel pool, then we enjoyed s’mores on the hotel’s back patio.

We’d been watching the weather for several days preceding our trip, and the forecast showed rain and lightning all weekend. Clark asked if we could pray and ask God for nice weather so that we could explore outdoors. Thankfully, Friday was nice! It was warm during the day and just a little chilly at night. After getting into bed Friday night, it rained and thundered all night – but the storms were over by morning! Saturday’s weather was perfect for exploring.

We started the day with breakfast in the hotel, then drove about 45 minutes north along Lake Superior to Gooseberry Falls State Park.

Gooseberry Falls was SPECTACULAR!

It was one of the most amazing ‘playgrounds’ we’ve ever explored. There are so many trails to hike, but we spent hours just playing in the water. 

Gooseberry Falls Tips:

  • Wear water shoes! (See recommendations below) The falls are wet and rocky and you’ll want to get in the water and explore. Click here to see a great pair I found for my husband for only $15.
  • Wear comfy clothes that you don’t mind getting wet.
  • There are two large parking lots – if one is full, there is one just beside it. Both were nearly full when we left, but it didn’t feel overly crowded because the State Park is SO large!
  • If you are bringing children, I recommend following the trail to the LOWER FALLS. We started at the UPPER falls and found it was DANGEROUS for young, curious children. Our kids wanted to get really close to the edge of the falls, and could have easily fallen over. There is nothing to stop them. In fact, the day we were there, two children fell over the falls and had to be life flighted out. At the time of this post, all I know is that they are injured, but still alive.
  • Pack some snacks and a water bottle – All the hiking and water play will make you hungry!
  • 20-30 minutes before you leave, call to make a reservation at the world famous Betty’s Pies. We tried to eat there, but there was too long of a wait. They told us we could call in advance to save our place in line.

We happened to see a sign that said Grand Superior Grille as we were leaving the falls, and stopped here for lunch. The restaurant has sweeping views of the lake, and a well-priced menu. We practically had the place to ourselves and couldn’t believe more people weren’t there. The food and environment were fantastic. George said this was his favorite restaurant we went to all weekend because of the nice environment and good food.

Behind the restaurant is a phenomenal rocky coast.

Skipping rocks

Next, we drove to Brighton Beach but only stayed for a few minutes because it was way too packed. As an alternative, we went to Lester Park. It’s not a beach, but has trails to hike, a playground, and the best part – a beautiful creek to play in. The kids absolutely loved it and could have stayed and played in the creek for HOURS!

Lester Park Tips:

  • For a calm place to play, use the creek to the left of the playground.
  • The first creek you see (close to the parking lot) is usually filled with teenagers. Walking a little farther in, is a much better place for kids to explore.

We talked them into leaving by promising ice cream. I was hoping to go to the historic Portland’s Malt Shop, but we drove by and saw a super long line, so we went back to our hotel and walked to Dairy Queen. While we ate our ice cream, we walked back to the Lift Bridge. The boys enjoyed chasing pigeons and sea gulls, and climbing on the rocks along the coast. 

For dinner we ordered pizzas and salads from Vitta Pizza.

Notes on Vitta: Their food is fantastic! I shared an amazing salad with Ted and a couple different pizzas (both SO good). The kids loved the pizza too! I sat inside the restaurant while waiting for our food, and wouldn't recommend eating inside.  It's crowded and the seats are uncomfortable. However, the food is perfect for take out.  (Rating 5/5)

While the dads took the kids swimming, my friend Mary and I got to enjoy a little quiet time to catch our breath and chat. After dinner, the mamas took the kiddos to bed, and Ted went out with Mary’s husband to rent electric scooters and enjoy some guy time.

The weather was amazing ALL day and I’m so thankful! We got to pack in SO much fun!

Sunday morning we went to a quaint coffee shop called Perk Place. I had the most delicious latte called ‘Honey Bear.’ It’s made with a little cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. We drove around the Congdon area to see some of the historic, ornate mansions. We also drove through the downtown area and saw the famous Duluth Trading Company.

Did you know that Duluth once had most millionaires per capita than any other US city? People gained their wealth from the Iron Mining and logging industry.

Our next stop was the GORGEOUS Enger Park. This park has:

  • A Japanese Garden with a large bell you can ring,
  • Many paths to explore and rocks to climb
  • An incredible view of Duluth, the harbor, lift bridge and Lake Superior
  • A tower with nearly 100 steps and about 5 levels. There are 360 degree views on each level

After exploring the park, we headed home with happy hearts. It was an incredible weekend, full of fun adventures with good friends.

I’m thrilled that I finally got to see Duluth. There is so much history and beauty in that city – hills and large rocks, cool buildings and restaurants, falls and creeks, and of course, Lake Superior. 

Here are a few things we missed this trip, but hope to see and do during our next visit:

Where to go:

Where to Eat:

Did I miss something? Leave a comment and let me know your Duluth favorites!

I had a hard time finding water shoes in a store before we left, but I found these cool ones online for a great price!

Click here to read my Minnesota Bucket List!

Click here to read: 20 gifts that Minnesota Gave the World!

Click here to read 15 fun facts about Minnesota!

0 In 2020/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

A peek into our week(s) June 2020

First hair cuts since quarantine

Why do hair cuts make them grow up so fast?

Ted took George and Clark to help clean up our city.

I participated in my first ‘peace walk’ – “Moms March for Peace.”

I was invited by my friend Lourdmy – both of us are moms raising four sons. She is black, I am white. She asked if I wanted to join her for this peace march. I was happy to walk with her, to listen and to learn. It was an emotional and beautiful event.

Lots of time outside …

  • On the water and in the water
  • Fishing – I watched Luke catch a fish for the first time!
  • Hiking and Picnicking
  • Swimming, Sprinklers, and Slip in Slides

It’s been HOT in Minnesota. You’d think that since we have such COLD winters, we should be rewarded with not so hot summers. Nope. Not this June. It’s been HOT and HUMID with endless amounts of mosquitoes.

However, everything is BLOOMING and BEAUTIFUL! There is NEW life everywhere – flowers, baby ducks, toads and turtles.

Father’s day with our real life super hero!

What have YOU been up to? Leave a comment!